Financial reporting is integral to a business. Any organisation, big or small, is legally required to compile comprehensive documentation of their financial activities. With ever-evolving legislation presenting a constant challenge to public companies, getting the stats right is essential. That’s where an analyst steps in – and as digital accounting and crypto currencies become more […]
Balancing planet and profits: building sustainability into the business model
Sustainability, as defined by the United Nations (UN), is “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” The current global population is just north of 8 billion, predicted to reach 9.8 billion by 2050 and 11.2 billion by 2100. With greater demands on our planet […]
What is customer perceived value?
Perceived value indicates how much a customer is prepared to pay for a product or service. This is determined by a product or service’s ability to meet the customer’s needs and inspire desire, especially in comparison with competitors. Understanding the customer’s perception of value through market research can help a business to position itself correctly […]
Innovations in modern finance
The world of finance is always moving forward even in – and sometimes because of – times of crisis and challenge. Innovations in finance come from the development of new financial services and products. These developments can be a reaction to consumer trends or can inspire changes in consumer behaviour. Financial innovations often involve risk […]
Entrepreneurial finance: getting businesses off the ground
After competition, the second-greatest challenge that entrepreneurs face when launching start-ups is cash flow – making it a significant contributing factor to why two in every three new businesses fail. While difficulties in raising capital are common, for those who get it right, business success is there for the taking. Advances in technology, together with […]